When using information from our database, please cite codebook and the companion book chapter and observe the license terms.
The latest versions available below always include prior versions. For example, the datasets for Version 2.0 (2003-2015) include all events for Version 1.0 (2003-2012).
It is very important to note that the MMAD only covers particular countries during selected time frames. It is NOT a global dataset with continuous coverage of all the included countries. Please refer to the codebook to see which countries and time periods are included.
Report-level Data
This is the original version of the MMAD. The table contains report-level data, where each line corresponds to a report about a particular event. Many events are covered in more than one report, so do NOT use these data for event-level analyses without prior aggregation (or some other way to take into account the nested data structure)! For more information about the variables included, please refer to the MMAD documentation.
- id: Identifier for this report, unique within each version
- cowcode: The Correlates of War country code
- location: The unique ID of the city, from the GeoNames database
- longitude/latitude: The geographic coordinates of the city, from the GeoNames database
- asciiname: The ASCII name of the city, from the GeoNames database
- event_date: The event date
- side: The side the protest is directed at (anti/pro-government)
- actors: The actors involved in the protest (as mentioned in the report, no standardization)
- issue: The protest issue (as mentioned in the report, no standardization)
- scope: The scope of the protest (local/regional/national)
- part_violence: The level of participant violence
- sec_engagement: The level of security force engagement
- numparticipants: The number of participants (as mentioned in the report, sometimes contains text)
- avg_numparticipants: An estimate of the number of participants, where words such as “hundreds” were replaced with approximate numbers. If more than one estimate is reported, the average is taken.
- source: the source of the report (AP, AFP or BBC Monitoring)
- version: the MMAD version this report belongs to
Download the latest version of the report-level dataset here: MMAD Reports, Version 4.0 (2381 downloads )
Event-level Data
For users requiring data at the level of events, we provide a pre-aggregated version of the MMAD. The table contains the following variables:
- cowcode: The Correlates of War country code
- location: The unique ID of the city, from the GeoNames database
- asciiname: The ASCII name of the city, from the GeoNames database
- longitude/latitude: The geographic coordinates of the city, from the GeoNames database
- event_date: The event date
- side: The side the protest is directed at (anti/pro-government)
- numreports: The number of reports available for this event
- max_scope: The maximum scope across the reports for this event
- max_partviolence: The maximum level of participant violence across the reports for this event
- max_secengagement: The maximum level of security force engagement across the reports for this event
- mean_avg_numparticipants: The mean of the avg_numparticipants variable across the reports for this event
Download the latest version of the event-level dataset here: MMAD Events, Version 4.0 (3085 downloads )
MMAD Events, Version 3.0 (179 downloads )
MMAD Reports, Version 3.0 (116 downloads )
MMAD Events, Version 2.0 (369 downloads )
MMAD Reports, Version 2.0 (244 downloads )
MMAD Events, Version 1.0 (102 downloads )
MMAD Reports, Version 1.0 (72 downloads )